P-06-1363 Save our Fire and Rescue Service - Petitioner to Committee, 09.01.24


Having read the chairs response which was attached. I do disagree with some things he stated. 


He disputed that the service had a culture of spending and that all finances were strictly controlled. However if it wasn't for the fire brigades union (FBU) stepping in they would have gone ahead with the direct entry scheme costing countless more money than the standard promotional process, The FBU also stepped in to halt the service employing another deputy chief fire officer.


The Service have also just spent hundreds of thousand of pounds on a Fire Cover review, which the Fire Authority threw out at the meeting on the 18th December.


I would now hope that we the FBU can work together with the Fire Authority and management and come up with a solution to this issue without the need for any job losses or station downgrades.


Kind regards